05 September 2005

The Value of Human Life - Why We Should Track Busses

Cause of fatal bus crash unknown

Just wandering through some other news items when I came upon this sad story.  Time and time again I have noticed the contrast between the information available to investigators in air crashes versus bus disasters.

One can immediately jump to the conclusion, ‘oh but aircraft are so much more expensive, it’s not costs effective to equip busses with recorders like aircraft.”

Well, it sounds a good argument at first, but the problem is that it’s false.  Last time I checked into it, a tourist dead in a bus is just as dead as one in and airplane, and the value of either person is incalculable in human terms … and in liability terms, perhaps hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars.

Simple fleet management recorders that would pay for themselves in business savings could and should be on every bus .. commercial, shuttle, school, etc.  Not only would the operators save money, when a tragedy like this occurred, they could find out in seconds if the driver had been violating the law.  

What a blessing to those who are charged with keeping roads safer, and, if the driver was faultless, what a relief to him or her .. imagine what it must feel like to be in charge of a fatal accident and be living with the blame and unable to prove what precautions you took?

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